These proficiency scale descriptors were developed by B.C. teachers from Burnaby, Coquitlam, Delta, North Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, and West Vancouver school districts. The intent is not that these be prescriptive; rather, these are samples teachers can use and adapt for their students. Having a draft to work from and to edit is often easier than starting from scratch when planning a course for the first time, or revising assessment practices for a given course. Take these and make them your own.

Choose Your Science Grade
A few things to note:
- Not all of the curricular competencies are represented in each grade. The teacher authors chose ones they felt were representative and often used. If you’re looking for a descriptor for a specific competency, you may find it included in a different grade level.
- The documents include proficiency scale descriptors for a curricular competency along with an example of what this might look like in class when applied to a learning activity. As the descriptors are not necessarily focused on conceptual understanding or content-specific, the examples are intended to help illustrate the learning behaviours a teacher might observe and assess as emerging, developing, proficient, or extending for a given curricular competency in a specific context.
- The goal is proficiency. These descriptors are for learning we might observe towards the end of the term/semester or year.
- These documents may be helpful to use as conversation anchors for collaborative conversations.
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