Grade 10

Science Competency Descriptors

Questioning and Predicting Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Begins to show curiosity. Considers others’ questions. Makes obvious predictions and observations. Regularly shows curiosity by asking straightforward questions. Makes multiple logical predictions and observations.. Regularly demonstrates curiosity by asking focused questions. Makes appropriate and justified predictions supported by clear observations. Demonstrates sustained curiosity by asking questions then follows up with further scientific inquiry. Predictions are grounded in both observations and theory.
Make observations aimed at identifying their own questions, including increasingly complex ones, about the natural world. Uses the sense of sight to reiterate the wonders and curiosities of others. Uses more than one sense to build upon or extend the wonders and curiosities of peers. Uses five senses to gather information and demonstrates wonder and curiosity. Uses five senses to gather information and notices novel details. Connects curiosity and wonder to background knowledge and scientific ideas.
Formulate multiple hypotheses and predict multiple outcomes Lists multiple variables in a question or statement related to observations. Begins to apply the “if, then, because” framework using multiple variables, but no clear independent, dependent, or controlled variables. Applies “If, then, because” framework to create statements that include one independent and one dependent variable, and is testable; and, selects one for investigation. Justifies multiple hypotheses with scientific reasoning using background knowledge and background research, and selects one for investigation.
Planning and Conducting Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Plans parts of an investigation and identifies some variables. In a group, collects and organizes data and follows safe lab practices. Plans simple, short investigations. Considers several variables and collects and record key data. Follows safe lab practices.. Plans complete and focused investigations. Considers both safety and ethics in designing investigations. Collects and clearly organizes data, including appropriate units and labels. Plans sophisticated investigations. Has a deep understanding of controls and variables, and takes steps to minimize error. Adheres to safety and ethics guidelines. Effectively collects and organizes data.
Collaboratively and individually plan, select, and use appropriate investigation methods, including field work and lab experiments, to collect reliable data (qualitative and quantitative) Identifies equipment required and follows instructions to assemble the equipment for the investigation.

Works with clear direction to conduct field work or experiment.

Collects some numerical values related to the experiment and/or some descriptive observations.
Works collaboratively with others to follow a given procedure and to complete field work or a lab experiment.

Collects qualitative data when prompted using one or more senses. Given a table, uses tools and equipment to collect some numerical values related to the experiment.

Works as an individual, selects an investigation method from demonstrated methods, and completes the investigation.

Works collaboratively with others to use equipment as demonstrated in order to complete the field and lab investigation.

Collects qualitative data using five senses and descriptive language as modeled in class. Collects quantitative data in a table using tools and units of measurement accurately.
Individually plans, selects, and uses equipment to conduct unique field and lab investigations. Takes steps to minimize error.

Works collaboratively with others to plan, select, and use equipment to conduct unique field and lab investigations. Takes steps to minimize error.

Collects qualitative data to fulfill a unique set of observations that is complete and accurate featuring multiple trials. Collects quantitative data to fill a custom data table resulting in a complete and accurate data set featuring multiple trials.
Ensure that safety and ethical guidelines are followed in their investigations Follows direct safety instructions. Follows ethical guidelines. Follows safety guidelines as demonstrated – wear PPE, follow key safety procedures, and conduct clean up as directed. Follows ethical guidelines by reporting honestly – not falsifying, fabricating or misrepresenting data. Identifies hazards and mitigates hazards as they arise. Identifies and mitigates other ethical issues such as environmental concerns or compassion and concern for other living beings.
Processing and Analyzing Data and Information Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Finds patterns in data and makes a claim based on these patterns; writes simple one point conclusions using scientific vocabulary from the unit. Identifies and articulates the evidence used to support claims; writes conclusions which draw on two or more points using scientific vocabulary for the unit . Connects claims to scientific theory; explains reasoning for the claim; compares conclusions to theory and explains differences and the reasons for the errors in the experiment or data. Explores implications of claims and connects it to other competencies (analyze, evaluate, etc.); explains how the conclusion has relevance for our lives in society, with connections to place/context and to First Peoples’ Principles.
Seek patterns and connections in data from their own investigations and secondary sources Finds the pattern in a data set Explains the pattern in a data set, identifies connection between variables Connects the pattern in a data set to scientific principles Uses the pattern in the data to predict expected values or findings
Use scientific understandings to identify relationships and draw conclusions Finds patterns in data. Uses data to describe a pattern. Uses data to draw a conclusion based on correct scientific reasoning and identify sources of error. Uses data to draw a conclusion based on correct scientific reasoning and identify sources of error. Identifies ways to reduce error and/or possible further investigations.
Analyze cause-and-effect relationships Lists variables that affect a result Describes how a change in a variable will affect another Uses scientific principles to explain the relationship between variables Applies the relationship to a different context
Evaluating Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Beginning to explore assumption, bias, sources of error, and possible implications of these. Identifies obvious instances of assumption, bias, and error. Explains some of the impacts of these assumptions, and proposes some solutions. Identifies multiple and more nuanced instances of assumption, bias, and error. Fully explains the impacts of these assumptions and proposes appropriate solutions. Consistently applies strategies to anticipate and reduce error and bias. Communicates the effect biased findings might have on place and community.
Evaluate their methods and experimental conditions, including identifying sources of error or uncertainty, confounding variables, and possible alternative explanations and conclusions Reflects on the adequacy of their investigation methods in a limited way. Reflects on the adequacy of their investigation methods identifying a source of error or alternative explanations. Reflects on the adequacy of their investigation methods by describing sources of error, confounding variables, and possible alternative explanations. Reflects on the adequacy of their investigation methods in a sophisticated way including all sources of error, confounding variables, or alternative explanations.
Describe specific ways to improve their investigation methods and the quality of the data Identifies a source of error and explains how it could have been improved. Identifies multiple sources of error and explains their effect on the data and how to improve. Explains multiple sources of error and suggests appropriate methods to improve investigations. Explains multiple sources of error and suggests sophisticated methods to improve investigations.
Evaluate the validity and limitations of a model or analogy in relation to the phenomenon modeled Identifies a strength and a weakness of a given analogy or model. Describes how an analogy or model differs or agrees with the phenomenon being modeled. Critiques the validity and limitations of a model or analogy in relation to the phenomenon being modeled. Gives a sophisticated critique of a model or analogy, offering improvements to make it more reflective of the phenomenon being modeled.
Demonstrate an awareness of assumptions, question information given, and identify bias in their own work and secondary sources Understands that bias and assumptions are present in scientific work. Recognizes when assumptions have been made and identifies the bias in a source. Explains multiple assumptions or biases in a source and in own work. Connects the bias and/or assumptions to the perspective/motivations of the source.
Consider the changes in knowledge over time as tools and technologies have developed Identifies that knowledge has increased as tools and technologies have developed. Describes that knowledge has increased as tools and technologies have developed. Explains in detail how the development of tools and technologies has resulted in an increase of knowledge. Explains in sophisticated ways how the development of tools and technology has resulted in an increase of knowledge.
Connect scientific explorations to careers in science Identifies some scientific careers. Describes several scientific careers. Connects science learning to several possible careers in science. Investigates scientific careers beyond those presented in class.
Exercise a healthy, informed skepticism, and use scientific knowledge and findings to form their own investigations and to evaluate claims in secondary sources Questions claims and asks for evidence. Uses background knowledge and gathers evidence to evaluate claims. Gathers evidence from a variety of sources to evaluate the accuracy of a claim. Searches for evidence, evaluates bias, and conducts own investigations to evaluate claims.
Consider social, ethical, and environmental implications of the findings from their own and others’ investigations Identifies a social, ethical, and/or environmental aspect of the findings. Considers and explains social, ethical, and/or environmental aspects of the findings. Connects social, ethical, and/or environmental aspects of the findings and their implications. Suggests a possible solution for the social, ethical, and/or environmental implications of the findings.
Critically analyze the validity of information in secondary sources and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems Understands that bias and assumptions are present in scientific work. Recognizes when assumptions have been made and identifies the bias in a source. Explains multiple assumptions or biases in a source and in own work. Connects the bias and/or assumptions to the perspective/motivations of the source.
Applying and Innovating Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Beginning to make connections between learning & life beyond the classroom. Works w/ others to finish task. Makes personal, local, and global connections with some learning. Contributes productively to working with others.. Understands the causes of personal, local, and global issues. Engagement with a group promotes own growth and that of others. Works in close collaboration with others to plan and carry out suitable initiative to address a personal, local, or global issue.
Make observations aimed at identifying their own questions, including increasingly complex ones, about the natural world. Identifies the needs of self, others, community and the world. Explains how own actions contribute to meet the needs of self, others, community, and/or the world. Creates a plan to address the needs of self, others, community, and/or the world. Plans and executes an initiative to meet the needs of self, others, community, and/or the world.
Cooperatively design projects with local and/or global connections and applications Completes tasks assigned by the group. Collaboratively designs projects and can explain how they connect to the community. Collaboratively designs projects and independently makes connections to the community. Collaboratively designs projects and actively applies them in their community.
Contribute to finding solutions to problems at a local and/or global level and implement multiple strategies to solve problems in real-life, applied, and conceptual situations through inquiry Identifies a local and/or global problem and demonstrates limited problem solving. Identifies a local and/or global problem and demonstrates problem solving. Identifies a local and/or global problem and demonstrates problem-solving with multiple strategies. Identifies a local and/or global problem and demonstrates problem-solving with multiple diverse strategies.
Communicating Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Expresses basic facts and findings in everyday language. Uses scientific vocabulary when presenting ideas.. Explains, connects, and justifies ideas using scientific vocabulary Chooses methods of communication that enhance the audience’s understanding and engagement.
Formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon Attempts to create a basic model that outlines some features of a phenomenon. Creates a basic model that describes the basic features of a phenomenon. Creates an accurate and detailed model that describes a phenomenon. Creates an accurate and sophisticated model that describes a phenomenon and makes connections to unfamiliar concepts.
Communicate scientific ideas, info, suggested course of action, for a specific purpose and audience, constructing evidence-based arguments using appropriate scientific language, conventions, & representations Communicates ideas, information, and arguments using non-scientific language. Communicates ideas, information, and arguments using scientific language and representation. Communicates ideas, information, and arguments using accurate and relevant scientific language and representations. Constructs evidence-based arguments that apply familiar concepts to unfamiliar applications.
Express and reflect on a variety of experiences, perspectives, and worldviews through place Describes their own experiences and perspectives. Expresses and reflects on a limited number of experiences and perspectives. Expresses and reflects on a variety of experiences, perspectives, and worldviews in relation to place. Expresses and reflects on a variety of experiences, perspectives, and worldviews.


Competency Descriptors