Grade 6

Science Competency Descriptors

Questioning and Predicting Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Make observations in familiar or unfamiliar contexts In familiar contexts, may or may not access background knowledge to make meaning of the encounter. Represents what they are seeing and experiencing with limited or unconnected details. In unfamiliar contexts, does not access background knowledge to make meaning of the encounter. Represents what they are seeing and experiencing with limited detail In familiar contexts, accesses some background knowledge to represent what they are seeing and experiencing with some accuracy and detail. In unfamiliar contexts, may or may not access background knowledge to make meaning of the encounter. Represents what they are seeing and experiencing with some detail In familiar & unfamiliar contexts, accesses background knowledge to clearly and accurately represent what they are seeing and experiencing (incorporating learned scientific vocabulary) with relevant detail. In familiar and unfamiliar contexts, represents and makes connections between what they are seeing and experiencing and applies it to other contexts and/or makes inferences
Identify questions to answer or problems to solve through scientific inquiry May ask questions and identify problems when engaging in science activities – though these are not necessarily connected to the phenomena being observed/ experienced. When provided with pre-written questions, they may or may not recognize which ones would be scientifically testable. When engaging in science activities, asks their own questions about the phenomena they are observing/ experiencing. May generate possible explanations for their questions, but these explanations are not necessarily scientifically testable. When provided with pre-written questions, they can recognize which ones would be scientifically testable. From their observations, they form ideas and suggest questions and explanations to observe/test the phenomena they are observing through scientific inquiry. Their possible explanations do not need to be “correct”, but they do need to fit the available evidence. When making scientific observations, they consistently question what they are observing and consider different possible explanations. They may make multiple predictions and they can consider ways to test which of their predictions is the most likely to be true.
Make predictions about the findings of their inquiry May select a possible outcome from a list provided. May make unrelated predictions about their own scientific inquiry. Makes reasonable predictions about the outcome of a scientific inquiry based on a list of possible outcomes provided. Their predictions are based on observations they have made and/or the scientific content knowledge they are exploring in class. Makes predictions about their scientific inquiry. Their predictions are reasonable and based on information they have received through their scientific observation and/or other classroom activities. Makes complex predictions about the outcome of a scientific inquiry that include the impact of different variables on possible outcomes. May also be able to predict which ones are more/less likely to be true based on what they have observed scientifically and/or based on content knowledge they explored in class.
Planning and Conducting Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Decide which variable should be changed and measured for a fair test During scientific investigations, they replicate the experiment with the variables provided. During scientific investigations they can identify the variables in an experiment from a set of provided options and identify whether a test was fair or unfair. Designs a fair test that can be investigated. When prompted, during scientific investigations they can accurately describe how changing or measuring different variables may make the experiment more or less fair. During scientific investigations and discussions, they will notice and remark (without being prompted) on how changing or measuring different variables could affect the fairness of the experiment. They are able to consider how complexity may emerge due to different aspects of the selected variable.
Observe, measure, and record data, using appropriate tools, including digital technologies When conducting scientific investigations makes limited observations and/or inaccurate measurements. Data and observations may not be recorded or may be recorded in an unclear way. When conducting scientific investigations can use appropriate tools to observe what is happening and measure results as necessary. When provided with a guide or template, records their observations in a systematic way. When conducting scientific investigations can choose and use appropriate tools to closely observe what is happening and measure results as necessary. Records their observations and measurements in a systematic way. When conducting scientific investigations closely observes what is happening and carefully and accurately measures results as necessary. May independently identify and choose appropriate tools and methods to observe and record data.
Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks n/a

NOTE: It is expected that all students will be using equipment and materials safely in order to participate. The teacher needs to set up the classroom conditions in a way that will allow all students in the class to be successful, considering the diverse learning needs of the students.
During activities and investigations, reliably uses equipment and materials as directed and stores them safely and appropriately when not in use. When asked, is able to identify aspects of the activity or the use of materials that could be dangerous or cause harm. n/a
Processing and Analyzing Data and Information Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Experience and interpret the local environment Retells an experience in the local environment using simple descriptors. Expresses a simple interpretation of the experience. Retells an experience in the local environment. Uses appropriate vocabulary to describe the experience. May offer a singular interpretation of the experience, or limited perspective of the experience. Reflects on an experience in the local environment and is able to identify their experience as different from others. Has some insight into how materials, tools, or resources impact their interpretation of the experience. Offers insightful reflections on an experience in the local environment and is able to clearly articulate and justify how their experience may be different from others. Offers insight into how current materials, tools, or resources impact their experience of the local environment in comparison or contrast to a previous or future encounter.
Identify patterns and connections in data When observing a scientific investigation describes what is happening using non-scientific language. Observations are simple and not necessarily connected to scientific phenomena. When observing or conducting investigations identifies the scientific phenomena and patterns as they emerge. Language used to describe is simple and not necessarily scientific vocabulary. When conducting scientific experiments is able to identify patterns in the results and make connections. Uses relevant scientific language to describe their observations. When conducting scientific experiments identifies patterns in the results, makes connections, and considers possible explanations for the results they are observing. Uses relevant scientific language to describe their observations.
Compare data with predictions and develop explanations for results Retells personal experience of the experiment. May include experiment procedures and results. Uses comparative language to evaluate their results. Can define and attribute motion to an unbalanced force. Can recognize their own hypothesis in the data set and uses questions to develop an explanation for their result. May begin to make simple connections between experiment results and real world application. Can compare experiment data to describe and explain how motion is caused by an unbalanced force. Can articulate how their hypothesis is reflected in the data set by explaining the results of the experiment. Can make simple connections between experiment results and real-world application. Can explain cause and effect of unbalanced forces in the collected data. Connects to relevant scientific understandings in relationship to stated hypothesis. Differentiates between variables and their effect on motion in the experiment by relating results to real world application.
Evaluating Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Evaluate whether their investigations were fair tests Performs a test that can be investigated. Selects a single variable from a small range of options. Is able to play with the single variable to explore their understanding. Plays with variables to determine a fair test. Builds a test with purpose and may or may not be able to recognize multiple variables are at play. Is able to focus on and affect a selected variable. Recognizes that variables and controls (things they change or things that stay the same) affect the results of the test. Evaluates a fair test by explicitly identifying which variables are at play, and uses a constant control. Understands that a fair test improves the accuracy of results. Evaluates a fair test with recognition of nuance in variables. Explicitly identifies which variables are at play, which controls are constant and is able to explain how and why their design is fair.
Identify possible sources of error Plays with a single variable to explore how their involvement affects the experiment. May or may not recognize their actions as human error. Is able to recognize they have some control in the outcome of the experiment. In play was able to recognize that some tests may or may not have been fair. From their play with materials, they recognize that the experiment sometimes went as planned and sometimes did not. From the fair test that was designed is able to identify possible sources of error in the experiment. Sources of error originate from curiosity and exploration within the experiment. From the fair test that was designed is able to identify possible sources of error in relationship to variables. Sources of error are connected to real world examples and show how they could adjust the test to be fair.
Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence Is able to use an age-appropriate source of information to generate a discussion question. The source may or not be provided by the teacher. Is able to make a connection to the evidence and asks a simple question. Is able to select, and share an age-appropriate source of information that may or may not have been sourced by the teacher. May or may not recognize the source of information as being unbiased. Makes a connection to the evidence presented. Can prompt a discussion using evidence presented from the selected artifact. Is able to source, select, share and prompt discussion of an age appropriate reputable and reliable source of information (ie: printed resources, websites, and professionals). Discussion prompt encourages classwide questioning and analysing of information presented. Is able to source, select, share and prompt discussion of an age appropriate reputable and reliable source of information. Is able to highlight nuances in the evidence. For example, may identify bias. Is able to critically examine the source of information, identify the target audience, and their discussion prompt encourages classwide reflection on how messaging can influence behaviour.


Competency Descriptors