Grade 8

Science Competency Descriptors with Examples

Questioning and Predicting Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Begins to show curiosity. Considers others’ questions. Makes obvious predictions and observations. Regularly shows curiosity by asking straightforward questions. Makes multiple logical predictions and observations. Regularly demonstrates curiosity by asking focused questions. Makes appropriate and justified predictions supported by clear observations. Demonstrates sustained curiosity by asking questions then follows up with further scientific inquiry. Predictions are grounded in both observations and theory.
Identify a question to answer or problem to solve through scientific inquiry I can make connections to the topic we are studying

Example: when studying geological events, student mentions they experienced an earthquake once
I can ask general questions based on my observations of a topic

Example: when studying geological events, student asks questions about why they feel rumbles when there is an earthquake
I can ask a testable question based on my observations of a topic

Example: when studying geological events, student comes up with a testable question about why certain areas in the world experience more earthquakes than others
I can ask additional testable questions related to the results of my previous question

Example: when studying geological events, student asks additional questions about how tsunamis are related to earthquakes and what types of technologies help detect earthquakes
Formulate alternative “if…then…” hypotheses based on their questions I can select a potential outcome of a scientific investigation

Example: when conducting an experiment on plants, student chooses “the plant will grow really big” from a list of possible outcomes
I can identify the variables and outcomes of a scientific investigation

Example: when conducting an experiment on plants, student identifies the amount of sunlight and the amount of water as variables, and growth of the plant as outcome.
I can predict the potential alternative outcomes of a scientific investigation

Example: when conducting an experiment on plants, student predicts that changing the amount of sunlight may either cause the plant to grow, wither, or will not cause any change.
I can analyze the potential different outcomes to determine which is most likely to occur

Example: when conducting an experiment on plants, student predicts that increasing amount of sunlight will cause the plant to grow because it stimulates cell growth through photosynthesis
Planning and Conducting Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Plans parts of an investigation and identifies some variables. In a group, collects and organizes data and follows safe lab practices. Plans simple, short investigations. Considers several variables and collects and record key data. Follows safe lab practices.. Plans complete and focused investigations. Considers both safety and ethics in designing investigations. Collects and clearly organizes data, including appropriate units and labels. Plans sophisticated investigations. Has a deep understanding of controls and variables, and takes steps to minimize error. Adheres to safety and ethics guidelines. Effectively collects and organizes data.
Measure and control variables (dependent and independent) through fair tests I can define independent, dependent, and control variables

Example: student is able to explain the independent variable is the one we change, the dependent variable is the one we measure, and control variables are all other variables that do not change
I can identify the independent and dependent variables within an investigation

Example: in an experiment about refraction, student is able to identify that the independent variable is the angle of incidence, and the dependent variable is the angle of refraction
I can identify and control the appropriate variables for a fair test

Example: in an experiment about refraction, student makes sure that the ray box used and the angle of incidence is the same for different tests using a standard prism, convex prism, and concave prism
I can evaluate whether an investigation was a fair test and make suggestions to improve

Example: in an experiment about refraction, student notes that each group has different size lenses and suggests groups should share lenses to ensure a fair test
Observe, measure, and record data with accuracy and precision I can make observations of an investigation using my five senses

Example: When discussing the properties of matter, student is able to identify that Ooblek is white in colour and is smooth to the touch.
I can describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative observations

Example: When discussing the properties of matter, student is able to explain that a quantitative observation describes the matter using measurable values, like the mass is 100g, whereas a qualitative observation doesn’t rely on numbers, like the object is red.
I can make qualitative and quantitative observations during an investigation

Example: When discussing the properties of matter, student is able to identify that qualitative properties of the Ooblek are that it is white in colour and opaque, and a quantitative property is that it has a mass of 100g.
I can compare and contrast my observations with those of other students

Example: When discussing the properties of matter, student notices the consistency of their Ooblek is more liquidy than another group because they used more water
I can name basic tools commonly used in scientific investigations

Example: student can identify a meter stick, spring scale, graduated cylinder, etc.
I can choose appropriate tools to use in a specific investigation

Example: in an experiment about state changes (boiling water), student chooses a thermometer and stopwatch.
I can effectively use appropriate tools to accurately measure quantitative data

Example: in an experiment about state changes (boiling water), student uses lap function of the stopwatch and measures temperature to nearest degree.
I can analyze the difference between various tools (ie, handheld measuring tools and technological measuring tools)

Example: in an experiment about state changes (boiling water), student explains how a digital thermometer probe connected to a laptop would collect many more data points and greater accuracy to nearest tenth degree.
I know common SI units and prefixes for measuring quantitative data

Example: student knows the base SI units are m, s, kg, ºC and common prefixes such as centi, milli, kilo.
I can identify what quantitative data needs to be measured and collected during an experiment

Example: in an experiment about state changes (boiling water), student identifies temperature and time as data that needs to be measured and collected.
I can record quantitative data in tables with proper SI units and prefixes

Example: in an experiment about state changes (boiling water), student records temperature (in ºC) and time (in s) in a data table.
I can analyze unexpected results in quantitative data

Example: in an experiment about state changes (boiling water), student measures boiling point of water at 94ºC, realizes this is incorrect, and then notices the thermometer liquid has separated giving inaccurate measurements.
Processing and Analyzing Data and Information Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Finds patterns in data and makes a claim based on these patterns; writes simple one point conclusions using scientific vocabulary from the unit. Identifies and articulates the evidence used to support claims; writes conclusions which draw on two or more points using scientific vocabulary for the unit . Connects claims to scientific theory; explains reasoning for the claim; compares conclusions to theory and explains differences and the reasons for the errors in the experiment or data. Explores implications of claims and connects it to other competencies (analyze, evaluate, etc.); explains how the conclusion has relevance for our lives in society, with connections to place/context and to First Peoples’ Principles.
Apply First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local knowledge as sources of information I can name local First Peoples communities in my area

Example: In North Vancouver, student names Tsleil-Waututh nation as a local First Peoples community
I can identify sources of First Peoples traditional knowledge that are relevant to the investigation

Example: When considering properties of plants, student is able to find websites, texts, stories, or elders that convey First Peoples knowledge of local plant species
I can explain how First Peoples traditional knowledge supports the results of the investigation

Example: When considering properties of plants, student is able to explain First Peoples knowledge of their healing abilities and traditional uses.
Construct and use a range of methods to represent patterns or relationships in data, including tables, graphs, keys, models, and digital technologies as appropriate I can name various given visual representation methods

Example: When given a number of different graphs and charts, student is able to identify a pie chart, a bar graph, an infographic and a data table.
I can draw the structural components of the visual representation

Example: Before collecting data about plant growth based on water given, student creates basic structure of a bar graph including title, axes, labels, and scale
I can choose and draw/build an appropriate visual representation with the correct components for the data

Example: After collecting data on plant growth based on water given, student is able to determine a bar graph would be the best choice to display the data. Student then draws an accurate and complete bar graph representing the data.
I can compare/contrast two or more visual representations for the data

Example: When given a pie chart, a bar graph, and a table on the amount of plant growth based on water given, gs because it is visual and shows plant growth vertically, making it easier to compare different outcomes. student recognizes a bar graph is most effective because it is visual and shows plant growth vertically making it easier compare different plants
Use scientific understandings to identify relationships and draw conclusions I can identify the variables and units in a given data set

Example: When analyzing data from an experiment about plant growth, student identifies the variables as amount of water measured in mL and growth of plant measured in cm.
I can describe the relationship between variables in a given data set

Example: When analyzing data from an experiment about plant growth, student describes how increasing the amount of water increased the plant growth but too much water decreased plant growth
I can use science concepts to explain the relationship between variables

Example: When analyzing data from an experiment about plant growth, student explains that water is necessary to carry nutrients throughout the plant but too much water can limit oxygen in the soil
I can use additional data and secondary sources to support my explanation v Example: When analyzing data from an experiment about plant growth, student includes links to websites and quotes from the textbook to support their explanation
Evaluating Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Beginning to explore assumption, bias, sources of error, and possible implications of these. Identifies obvious instances of assumption, bias, and error. Explains some of the impacts of these assumptions, and proposes some solutions. . Identifies multiple and more nuanced instances of assumption, bias, and error. Fully explains the impacts of these assumptions and proposes appropriate solutions. Consistently applies strategies to anticipate and reduce error and bias. Communicates the effect biased findings might have on place and community.
Identify possible sources of error and suggest improvements to their investigation methods I can name several common sources of error in investigations

Example: student is able to name some common sources of error including accuracy of measuring devices, lack of controls, and environmental fluctuations (ie. it is warmer in lab today than yesterday)
I can identify specific possible sources of error within my investigations

Example: In an experiment measuring reflection angles, student notes that none of her group were familiar with how to use a protractor so measurements may have been inaccurate
I can discuss the potential impacts that sources of error had on my investigation and suggest improvements

Example: In an experiment measuring reflection angles, student notes that inaccurate angle measurements could lead to incorrect conclusions about relationships between angles of incidence and reflection
I can anticipate and minimize possible sources of error within an investigation

Example: In an experiment measuring reflection angles, student asks a classmate to help her group learn how to accurately use a protractor before starting the experiment
Demonstrate an awareness of assumptions and bias in their own work and secondary sources I can define bias and give examples

Example: When discussing bias, student can recall that bias is when we lean towards something without much reasoning behind it. Student can recognize that someone might be bias towards their favourite sports team.
I can identify bias in my own personal life

Example: When discussing bias, student can recognize that they are biased towards cake instead of pie.
I can recognize bias within scientific investigations and secondary sources

Example: When discussing bias in terms of vaccines, student is able to identify and recognize bias in different sources of information, such as different medical websites with a pro-vaccine bias.
I can analyze multiple perspectives about a scientific topic

Example: When discussing bias in terms of vaccines, student is able to seek out and analyze different sources and perspectives around the topic – such as Anti-Vax websites with an anti-vaccine bias, showcasing that Anti-vax websites often skew or misreport data.
Consider social, ethical, and environmental implications of the findings from their own and others’ investigations I can define social, ethical and environmental impacts

Example: Student can define social as improving or harming quality of life in society, ethical is about values and equity, and environmental is affecting nature.
I can describe an example of a scientific investigation that had social, ethical, and/or environmental impacts (positive and negative)

Example: When studying vaccines and their impact on public health, student is able to describe how vaccines have had a positive impact on human society by eradicating many diseases and increasing life spans
I can explain/assess the social, ethical, and/or environmental impacts that may arise from an investigation (positive and negative)

Example: When studying vaccines and their impact on public health, student is able to assess the social and ethical impacts of vaccine rollouts (such as with COVID) which often prioritize wealthy communities, and the negative impacts marginalized communities are faced with as a result.
I can suggest possible courses of action to limit negative social, ethical, and/or environmental impacts of an investigation

Example: When studying vaccines and their impacts on public health, student is able to develop and suggest possible courses of actions to ensure that vaccine programs are administered to all communities in an equitable manner
Communicating Emerging (could look like anything up until these descriptors) Developing Proficient Extending (could look like anything starting from to beyond descriptors)
Snapshot Expresses basic facts and findings in everyday language.. Uses scientific vocabulary when presenting ideas. . Explains, connects, and justifies ideas using scientific vocabulary. Chooses methods of communication that enhance the audience’s understanding and engagement.
Communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems, using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies as appropriate I can make a scientific CLAIM based on the results of my investigation (states what happened)

Example: In an experiment about refraction, student CLAIMS the angle of refraction depends on the material light passes through.
I can support a scientific CLAIM with EVIDENCE from the investigation such as data, observations, and additional research (explains how we know it happened)

Example: In an experiment about refraction, student supports the CLAIM with EVIDENCE like measured angles from experimental data and ray diagrams
I can explain the results of my investigation using REASONING through scientific concepts and Big Ideas (explains why it happened)

Example: In an experiment about refraction, student describes how a light wave slows down as it enters a new medium which causes a change in direction and quotes a section in the textbook, and/or a Bill Nye video
I can communicate an explanation using appropriate scientific language and representations based on my audience

Example: In an experiment about refraction, student uses key words like angle of incidence, index of refraction, and medium. Student uses a diagram as a visual aid to more clearly explain the phenomenon.


Competency Descriptors