Grade 2 - Year at a Glance
Number concepts to 100 (ways to make 100, building understanding of place value with tens and ones, counting by 2s, 5s, 10s; benchmark numbers of 25, 50 and 100) |
Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 (practice of strategies including counting on, making and bridging 10, decomposing, doubles and related doubles, adding on to find the difference through number talks, games and other practice tasks) |
Addition and Subtraction to 100 (introduce adding or subtracting single digit number to/from a two-digit number building on known strategies from facts to 20) |
Communicating and Representing curricular competencies |
Pictorial representation of concrete graphs using one-to-one correspondence (graphing data about self and class using materials and then represent with shapes, drawings or ten frames) |
Likelihood of familiar life events (using comparative language such as certain, uncertain, more or less likely or unlikely to happen) |
Repeating and increasing patterns (increase complexity of repeating patterns, use AB notation, identify pattern unit/rule; introduce increasing patterns with concrete materials and recording with pictures and numbers, identify and describe increasing pattern rule |
Number concepts to 100 (decomposition of quantities to 100, counting fluently forward to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, printing numbers and matching symbols to concrete sets and pictures such as ten frames) |
Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 (ongoing practice of strategies including making and bridging 10, decomposing, doubles and related doubles, adding on to find the difference) |
Addition and Subtraction to 100 (operations using two-digit numbers with base ten blocks, ten frames, open number line, hundred chart; decomposing and compensating strategies; number talks, problem solving) |
Reasoning and Analyzing and Understanding and Solving curricular competencies |
Change in quantity using pictorial and symbolic representation (introduce unknown in equations to visualize such as 8 + n =12) |
Symbolic representation of equality and inequality (use equal and non-equal symbols in connection with addition and subtraction equations) |
Multiple attributes of 2D shapes and 3D objects (describe, sort and compare 2D and 3D shapes using multiple attributes, name/identify 2D shapes, find 2D shapes within 3D objects) |
Number concepts to 100 (ways to make 100, count fluently to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s forward and backwards and with different starting points, representing numbers to 100 in concrete, pictorial and symbolic forms, comparing and ordering numbers to 100) |
Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20 (ongoing practice of strategies including making and bridging 10, decomposing, adding on to find the difference, using known facts, relating addition and subtraction) |
Addition and Subtraction to 100 (practice of addition and subtraction using two-digit numbers with materials and tools but moving towards mental math strategies and those using symbolic notation; decomposing and compensating strategies; number talks, problem-solving) |
Connecting and Reflecting curricular competencies |
Direct linear measurement with standard metric units (use rulers, measuring tapes and meter sticks to measure length, height, width and depth of different items; use baseline; record measurements using a quantity and a standard unit) |
Financial literacy – coin combinations to 100 cents and saving and spending (counting same coin and mixed coin collections; math stories and problems involving calculations about spending and saving) |