K-2 Numeracy Foundations

SD38 K-12 Numeracy Vision and Framework 

The District Strategic Plan’s includes a priority of nurturing inspired numerate learners. Part of the strategic plan is developing a K-12 Numeracy Vision and Framework for our district. 

The Richmond School District Numeracy Vision statement is:

“The Richmond School District’s Vision for Numeracy supports the development of a shared understanding of the relationship between numeracy and mathematics so that students experience numeracy across all areas of learning. By using numeracy to access and deepen understanding of content, students learn how to solve problems, explore ideas and issues ad make informed decisions. All learners will have opportunities to develop numeracy so that they can better understand themselves and the world around them.”

The K-12 Numeracy Framework is comprised of components making up a visual that is interactive on the portal with specific resources for K-2, grades 3-5, grades 6&7, grades 8&9 and grades 10-12. The following is a visual of the framework that shows the components for K-12. Please see grade band frameworks on the portal for resources.