Our Facilitators

Katie Novak

Jeff Horwitz

Matt Bergman, EdD

Mirco Chardin

Christopher Bronke, EdD

Pamela Chu-Sheriff
Dates and Topics: (all sessions are 3:30-4:30pm)
Date | Topic | Facilitator | Workshop Link | Passcode |
Oct 7, 2024 | Expert Learning: The Power of Student Motivation and Self-Direction | Jeff Horwitz | Click here to join | 466080 |
Nov 4, 2024 | Connecting UDL, Inclusive Practice & Equitable Access | Mirko Chardin | Click here to join | 804328 |
Nov 18, 2024 | A Deeper Look at Firm Goals and Construct Relevance | Chris Bronke | Click here to join | No Passcode |
Jan 13, 2025 | Four Components of a UDL Lesson Plan | Matt Bergman | Click here to join | 024734 |
Feb 3, 2025 | Bridging UDL & Culturally Responsive Practices | Pam Chu-Sheriff | Click here to join | No Passcode |
Feb 24, 2025 | Empowering Students: Shifting to Student-Led Education | Katie Novak | Click here to join | No Passcode |
About the Series:
- Each session is on Zoom. There is no limit to the number of participants.
- Each session will be recorded and available for viewing after the original live event. This will allow participants to watch the workshops as they are able.
- There is an additional workshop on Sept 16, 2024 for leaders and facilitators. Click here to join
Who is Novak Education?
Novak Education is an organization renown for designing and delivering high-quality, evidence-based professional development on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), evidence-based tiered interventions, inclusive practices, and effective leadership practices.

Oct 7, 2024 Expert Learning: The Power of Student Motivation and Self-Direction
An expert learner is “Purposeful & Motivated, Resourceful & Knowledgeable and Strategic and goal-directed”. UDL strives to engage each student so that they take responsibility for their own learning. This session will explore how to use UDL to increase student motivation and self direction by providing options and choices that help the students take charge of their own learning.
- Dig deeply into expert learning and the
creation of a growth mindset - Explore the connection between UDL and
expert learning - Design lessons and assignments to promote
expert learning
Nov 4, 2024 Connecting UDL, Inclusive Practice & Equitable Access
Many students face barriers that prevent them from accessing grade-level instruction and opportunities to learn with their peers. To ensure classrooms are more equitable and inclusive, districts must build educators’ skillset in inclusive practices. Too often, inclusive practices are seen as competing initiatives. Districts may focus on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), social-emotional learning, trauma-informed instruction,
culturally responsive pedagogy, and differentiated instruction. If educators see these are separate initiatives, they are right to feel overwhelmed. In this session, learn how to share that these practices all fall under the umbrella of inclusive practice which
ensures first, best instruction for all learners.
- Learn more about inclusive practices and
how they impact first, best instruction - Examine numerous analogies to explain to
how inclusive practices work together - Brainstorm how to share the connection of
inclusive practices in your school or district
using the principles of UDL
Nov 18, 2024 A Deeper Look at Firm Goals and Construct Relevance
Providing voice and choice to learners is the heart of UDL. But not all choice is created equally. Choice must be carefully designed to ensure students are still working towards grade level standards. In this session, we will examine two types of standards (content and method standards) and learn how to design construct-relevant choices to ensure students can make meaningful progress toward reaching firm goals.
- Understand the difference between content
and method standards and how to identify
them - Learn how to align goals to grade-level
standards - Review backward design and how it can be
combined with UDL during lesson design - Classify construct relevance and review
assessment procedures to avoid construct
Jan 13, 2025 Four Components of a UDL Lesson Plan
A UDL lesson plan consists of a firm goal, and flexible
methods, materials, and assessments. This session will review the four components of a UDL Lesson Plan and give teachers an opportunity to identify and define their goals, the methods and materials that they will use to help students reach their goals, and the assessments that will allow each student to show what they know or can do.
- Explore and explain goals, methods,
materials, and assessments within the UDL
framework - Revise and/or develop UDL lesson plans,
activities or assignments - Share your revisions with others to discuss
potential effectiveness
Feb 03, 2025 Bridging UDL & Culturally Responsive Practices
Providing voice and choice to our learners goes beyond
offering options for how they will learn or how they will express what they know or can do. It requires tapping into students’ personal identities, creating a sense of belonging, and empowering them to co-create the education they are receiving. We can begin this work by treating our learners with the unequivocal respect and dignity they deserve and diving into their Funds of Knowledge to ensure their education is relevant, meaningful, and authentic. This session will support principals in learning how to embed culturally responsive practices into their school communities alongside Universal Design for Learning to create powerful instructional experiences that inspire, engage, educate, and drive students into action.
- Understand specific strategies for
incorporating student voice and choice into
lesson design and instruction while honoring
student culture and identity - Know how to identify cultural barriers using
UDL best practices - Understand the concept of Funds of
Knowledge and how we can use Funds of
Knowledge to design better learning
Feb 24, 2025 Empowering Students: Shifting to Student-Led Education
Teachers invest significant time and effort into their classrooms, yet the anticipated outcomes, such as improved academic performance, increased student involvement, and a balanced personal and professional life, aren’t always proportional to their dedication. Despite their tireless work, these desired outcomes often fall short. This situation highlights the need to reassess the strategies teachers are using in order for students to reach high levels of learning. In this session, you’ll learn about different workflows you can implement in your classroom to lighten the workload while increasing student engagement, opportunity, and success.
- Discover how to make the shift from
traditional teacher-led workflows to
sustainable student-led workflows - Try out student-led strategies that are
designed to be flexible enough to work in any
teaching and learning landscape—in a
classroom, online, or a blend of the two. - Learn how to take actionable steps to place
students at the center of their learning
Sep 16, 2024 Addressing Teacher Mindset about Change
In the dynamic world of education, teachers often
experience cognitive biases that make them wary
of change, viewing new initiatives as additional
burdens rather than opportunities for growth. This
session delves into this phenomenon, examining
how these biases and an ‘immunity to change’
mindset can hinder educational progress. We’ll
explore appreciative inquiry as a tool to shift
perspectives and foster a positive outlook on
change in school settings.
- Gain insights into teachers’ diverse mindsets regarding change, exploring the factors influencing their
perspectives and attitudes. - Develop effective strategies to engage and support teachers in embracing change, fostering an environment conducive to a growth-oriented mindset.
- Acquire techniques to cultivate a culture that values and encourages change and a culture of error, empowering teachers to embrace it as an opportunity for professional growth and enhanced student outcomes